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Geofumadas - on trends in this digital moment

How Going Digital Can Reverse Your Engineering Challenges Connected data environments don’t just talk about...

Geo-Engineering & TwinGeo Magazine - Second Edition

We have experienced an interesting time of digital transformation. In every discipline, changes are coming...

Integrated territory management – ​​Are we close?

We are living in a special moment in the confluence of disciplines that have been segmented for years. Topography, design...

Are we really immersed in an "innovative" process when it comes to 3D Spatial?

“The push of a button has the potential to open up another dimension,” writes Muthukum, near the end of his article...

The employability oriented to the GIS. Fiction versus reality 

After reading an article that starts off by asking what GIS employers are really looking for, I was wondering…

Accurate purpose-dependent cadastre - trend, synergy, technique, or nonsense?

Back in 2009 I developed the systematization of the evolution of the Cadastre of a municipality, which in its natural logic suggests...

… And geobloggers gathered here…

Someone had to materialize this idea of ​​sitting in the same space, a group of people totally different in terms of...

What will land administration look like in the future? - vision of Cadastre 2034

Proposing what land administration could look like in 2034 may not seem like an easy idea, given how many changes have occurred...

The SINAP National System of Property Administration

The National Property Administration System (SINAP) is a technological platform that integrates all the information...

Recommendations when implementing LADM

In several of the projects I have participated in, I have witnessed that the confusion caused by LADM is not necessarily...

LADM - As Unique Model of the Land Administration Domain - Colombia

Summary of a presentation by Golgi Alvarez and Kaspar Eggenberger at the Andean Geomatics Congress in Bogotá, in June...

Blockchain and Bitcoin applied to the Land Administration

At an information technology conference I was approached by the editor of a magazine, who asked me about the application of...

BIM - The world I would have dreamed of 20 years ago

20 years later, I can only associate BIM as the evolution that leaving the drawing board represented at that time...

BIM - the irreversible trend of CAD

In our Geo-Engineering context, the term BIM (Building Information Modeling) is no longer new, which allows ...

6 aspects to consider in the Integration of the Registry - Cadastre

Making the Cadastre and the Real Estate Registry work together is currently one of the most important re...

Registry and Cadastre in the context of a National Transactional System

Every day countries focus on e-government trends, where processes are simplified in search of the...

Traditional topography vrs. LiDAR. Accuracy, time and costs.

Could LiDAR work be more accurate than conventional topography? If it reduces time, by what percentage?

The intrinsic georeference

When we read the different theories that support the communication that cartography entails, both as a social science and as a...
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