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Territorial Planning
3 Recent publications on Mass Valuation Models and Municipal Cadastral Taxation
We are pleased to share recent publications related to the value function of the Management System...
April, 2024
Geospatial - GIS
Territorial Planning
Diagnosis on the situation of the Territorial Administration System in Ibero-America (DISATI)
The Polytechnic University of Valencia is currently developing a diagnosis of the current situation...
April, 2024
Geospatial - GIS
Territorial Planning
How much is the land worth in your city?
A very broad question that can trigger multiple responses, many of them even emotional; many variables...
September, 2018
Geospatial - GIS
My geofumadas
Territorial Planning
The SINAP National System of Property Administration
The National Property Administration System (SINAP) is a technological platform that integrates all the information...
December, 2016
My geofumadas
Territorial Planning
Recommendations when implementing LADM
In several of the projects I have participated in, I have witnessed that the confusion caused by LADM is not necessarily...
October, 2016
Geospatial - GIS
Territorial Planning
Land Administration Domain Model - Case of Colombia
Land management is currently one of the main challenges facing countries. It is not a new aspiration, but rather a challenge for the future.
March, 2016
Territorial Planning
Soil Values Mapping Project in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is calling for volunteers from all cities in Latin America and the Caribbean...
February, 2016
Teaching CAD / GIS
Territorial Planning
Master in Urban Design and Planning [UJCV]
This is one of the most interesting master's degrees in the Central American region, considering the importance it has for...
January, 2016
Territorial Planning
The delimitation of real estate property and interaction with public institutions
This is the topic that will be addressed at the II Conference of the Expert Geometer, which will take place on October 23, 2.
September, 2015
Territorial Planning
20 Steps to build a city from scratch
This is a collector's item for lovers of Urban Development and Territorial Planning, which beyond ...
July, 2015
Geospatial - GIS
Territorial Planning
Territorial Ordering Explained
Territorial Planning is a tool for the sustainable use of natural resources. Since then, it has been a...
April, 2015
Geospatial - GIS
Territorial Planning
What a geomatician should know about the LADM land management standard
The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is a standard for land administration, which has managed to become the standard for land administration.
January, 2014
Territorial Planning
Land Governance: the LGAF methodology
LGAF is the methodology known in Spanish as the Land Governance Assessment Framework...
August, 2013
Teaching CAD / GIS
Territorial Planning
Global Mapper course and 3 more offered by Civile
Civile is a company that offers various consulting and training services in partnership with other organizations...
February, 2013
Teaching CAD / GIS
Territorial Planning
The Master in Territorial Planning of the UNAH
the Master's Degree in Land Management and Planning offered by the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), ...
February, 2013
Teaching CAD / GIS
Territorial Planning
Latin American Forum on Notable Instruments of Urban Intervention
The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy's Latin America and Caribbean Program announces this important forum,...
January, 2013
Teaching CAD / GIS
Territorial Planning
International Virtual Cadastre Symposium
With the co-sponsorship of the College of Geographers of Peru and UNIGIS, Geowebss presents the symposium “Current situation...
July, 2012
Territorial Planning
The strategic value of territorial information
Within the framework of the presentation of the Geological Map of the Canary Islands, the El Va...
June, 2012
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