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Geospatial World Forum 2024

El Geospatial World Forum 2024, will be held from May 16 to 16 in Rotterdam. This brings together experts, professionals and enthusiasts in the field of geoinformation, spatial analysis and geotechnologies. It's the 15th. edition of this Forum, which due to its history has become one of the most important events in the geospatial sector, with the participation of more than 1500 delegates, 700 organizations, 70 countries and more.

We could say that it is a meeting point for leaders and representatives involved in the planning, capture, data management and decision-making processes. In the case of the 2023 edition, 6 principles were established:

  • Promote knowledge and awareness
  • Provide thought leadership
  • Accelerate business development
  • Facilitate networking and socialization
  • Conduct the promotion of public policies
  • Lead partnerships and collaborations

The areas that were mainly covered during this event were 5: Geospatial/Earth Observation and content providers at 30%, Integrating systems and service providers at 25%, Software and platform providers at 18%, equipment and hardware suppliers 15% and other sectors such as government and associations 12%.

The event blocks

The event was divided into 5 blocks that in turn contain specific areas of knowledge or discussion –and can be seen here in the program-, all detailed below.


Land and Property

In this block we talked about emerging technologies that enable the land economy, appropriate geospatial knowledge for land administration, terrestrial monitoring with earth observation technologies, geographic monitoring systems for CO2 emissions and climate changes. land uses and the adoption of emerging technologies and trends in the land economy.

The main objective of this block is “the land”, this being the key to human survival, a pillar of the economy and the climate. Taking on the challenge of protecting the earth is essential for all human beings, and not only the government, but also private companies and citizens are involved in this purpose. Using technologies to regulate land ownership is one of the most important steps that countries must take, starting with digitalization, which allows them to identify their locations and potential.

Having complete, accessible and interoperable information, resources are managed more efficiently, promoting the formalization of individual land ownership using methodologies such as the cadastre and integrating them with disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, digital twins or the internet of things. IoT. Representatives from all over the world participated, such as Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Sweden, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Japan, Malaysia and the United States.

Space and Space Value Chain

Regarding space and space sectors, it was defended how they are important for the future of the human species, contributing to development, the economy and the determination/management of challenges at a global level. The satellite industry is more than a set of positioning or earth observation satellites, it is a conglomerate of information technologies essential to understanding Earth's space from another perspective.

The geospatial industry offers spatial data infrastructure, value-added services, analytics and useful information for various sectors and societies. These two industries complement and enhance each other, creating great social, environmental and economic value. With the advancement of technologies such as New Space, AI/ML and the miniaturization of sensors, new possibilities are opening up for integrating space capabilities into space services, offering innovative and effective solutions.

These main aspects were discussed in a two-day symposium, where topics such as: integrated space and the space value chain, Earth Observation: missions, strategies and national programs, new space and commercialization, spatial data: platforms, products and applications and the new generations of Earth Observation.

Satellite operators, National Space Agencies, GNSS Service Providers, Space-based Startups, consultants, research institutions and end users were involved.

Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure Summit

At this summit the main topic was “Strategic infrastructure for the future geospatial ecosystem”, it was a two-day summit where various parties with interest in the future of the geospatial ecosystem were involved. And to obtain more advanced geospatial knowledge, collaboration and participation between the geospatial, digital and user industries is required. National geospatial agencies must redefine their roles and responsibilities, and coordinate with other stakeholders to create integrated geospatial and digital strategies.

Geology and Mining

Participants focused on explaining how geological cartography enables sustainable development mandates, based on 3 objectives:

  • Identify and define the evolving mandates and responsibilities of geological survey organizations, adopting sustainable development principles.
  • Define the importance of adopting geospatial and boundary technology in geological mapping and modeling to address evolving challenges and requirements.
  • Devise innovative business and collaboration models to improve production and access to geological knowledge.

Topics discussed were: the paradigm shift in resource development, the transition from identifying problems to seeking solutions, resource assessment and monitoring of Earth systems, the transition from 3D to 4D mapping and modeling, and more.


How does maritime spatial planning help countries make better use of space and resources, creating multiple benefits? It was one of the questions discussed in this 1-day symposium, identifying that to achieve this, marine geoinformation, seabed mapping and coastal topography are needed, which show the relationships between physical, chemical and biological phenomena that influence decisions. .

The symposium highlighted the role of marine data in addressing competitive needs, highlighting the needs for maritime and ocean mapping data, and analyzing the activities, innovations and challenges that arise when geospatial data for these areas is not available. .


Geo4sdg: Relevance for the Digital Age

For this topic, the importance of geospatial information in any area of ​​human activity was discussed. The objectives were to discuss the use of geoinformation to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, define a platform where knowledge about new technologies can be shared, and allow collaboration between government agencies and other sectors in the contribution of geospatial data.

Location Intelligence + Fintech Reshaping Bfsi

When talking about banking and Fintech, we think that they have no relationship with geospatial data. And yes, banking generates location data regularly, so it is essential to understand how this data can be used and promote accessibility to financial services.

Some of the topics presented were related to data monetization, the metaverse in financial services, sustainable finance, climate risk mitigation and insurance, and the creation of high-impact financial products using location data.

Retail and Trade

In this case, we know that it is necessary for any retail company to answer several basic questions that allow it to better understand how the market works. And this in turn allows them to have operational efficiency, fluid experiences and customer attraction. Key topics were: Mobile Location Analytics Revolutionizing the Retail Industry, Location Data Convergence and Data-Driven Marketing Personalization, Customers in the Phygital Era, and Location Intelligence and Hyperlocal Delivery.


In this block, the potential of LIDAR, AI/ML, SAR, HD Mapping and Ar/Vr technologies as well as Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) was discussed. Those of us who have worked with geospatial data know the immense importance of this set of technologies. These being the cornerstone for the description of the space and decision making. Artificial Intelligence is now included, integrating to process and visualize data of a different nature in a matter of seconds, facilitating the work of analysts, improving access and understanding of geospatial data.


Diversity, equity, inclusion (dei)

It was an initiative of the event to highlight the initiatives that currently exist and that create the foundation of a diverse, equitable and inclusive geospatial industry. It included events such as a networking event for women in geospatial, mentoring panels and 50 rising personalities.


As usual, other programs were added for the participation of attendees such as: training programs, association programs, closed-door meetings and round tables.

The objective of the forum was to share experiences, knowledge and take for granted the importance of the use and value of geographic information in various areas such as environmental management, urban development, security, health, education, and finance, social innovation. The panelists high-level, with whom there was also the opportunity to network and exchange ideas to generate collaboration opportunities between these actors in the geospatial ecosystem.

The Geospatial Forum 2023 was an enriching and inspiring experience that demonstrated the potential and impact of geographic information and geospatial technologies in various areas. The forum was also an opportunity to learn about the latest news, trends and innovations in the geospatial sector, as well as to establish contacts and alliances with other professionals and organizations interested in the topic. In this link You will be able to access the plenary sessions if you did not attend in person.

The next Geospatial Wold Forum It will take place from May 13 to 16, 2024 in Rotterdam. There you can have access to quality information, exchange of knowledge, have first-hand information about new technologies, special programs and networking with representatives of the most prominent companies. Can present your work as speaker until October 15, 2023 and logged  as a web assistant.

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