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IMARA.EARTH the startup that quantifies environmental impact

For the 6th edition of Twingeo Magazine, we had the opportunity to interview Elise Van Tilborg, Co-founder of IMARA.Earth. This Dutch startup recently won the Planet Challenge at Copernicus Masters 2020 and is committed to a more sustainable world through positive use of the environment.

Their slogan is "Visualize your environmental impact", and they do it through remote sensing data such as satellite images and the collection of information in the field to obtain objective information for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of landscape restoration projects. Some of the questions that are reflected in the interview begin with the uncertainty of What is Imara.Earth?, which means stable, strong and robust in Swahili, specializes in quantifying environmental impact through the art of storytelling to enable robust project planning, monitoring and reporting.

IMARA is not a conventional remote sensing company or a communications company.

IMARA.Earth and the necessity that motivated its creation. Elise and her team commented that they realized the amount of data that is available in organizations and that it is not used correctly, exploiting 100% of its potential. For this reason they decided to create this company to treat the data under monitoring and evaluation standards, in addition to the inclusion of images to produce more complete and objective environmental information.

Elise told us that one of her motivations for creating IMARA was her idea that geographic data should be used to support projects that enhance the sustainable future of the earth. She and her co-founder Melisa with studies in International Land and Water Management, which were later complemented with a Master's Degree in GIS and Remote Sensing,

The images in combination with the real information of the terrain lead to knowledge and quantified and objective information during the planning, monitoring and evaluation of landscape restoration projects.

As with other companies, the pandemic influenced their activities a little, but they also found other ways to continue with it, through the inclusion of locals in the field work and the use of tools for virtual recognition. All of the above resulted in a fairly broad monitoring and evaluation framework that resulted in an enriching circumstance for the company. At IMARA they are committed to restoring the planet, promoting restoration activities and determining the impact of these activities by combining real information from the terrain and remote sensing data.

Remote sensing has proven useful during all phases of project development and not just for quantifying impact on its own.

You can visit IMARA's social networks at LinkedIn or your website to stay informed of all your activities. It is unnecessary to invite you to read this new edition of Twingeo Magazine. We remember that we are open to receiving documents or publications that you wish to show in the magazine. Contact us through the emails and The magazine is published in digital format -check it here- What are you waiting to download Twingeo? Follow us on LinkedIn for more updates.

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